It's not about who you can live with, it's about who you can't live without. And you'll never know the thing that you really need until you lose it.

alynn ,

my first time i nangis on call ! haihh , why it was happen . every day i wish it could not happen :'( . On call dengan alynn 24 November 2010 . Then , tetibe ktorang open topic pasal both of them . Then alynn pergi buka lagu Kiss the rain-Yiruma tu . Ya Allah , sumpah tak tahan . Alynn , you're my first friend yg dengr i nangis time on call . I tak kan lupe ayat yg kita dua sebut ' why dorg senang lupekan kita sedangkan kita sayang dia gila babi deat sini ' Hmm , i can't deny that i'm still love you . I ade blog pasal you sorang je and Nadia Firzana sorang je tahu . I teringin nak bagi dekt you but I takut you tak pandang . sebabb ? kita bukan ada pape pun skarang . kawan pun ntah betul . kan kan ? And now i'm try to forget you ! mcam mana dohh ? You're not give my heart back ! erghh , tolong laa faham :'(