It's not about who you can live with, it's about who you can't live without. And you'll never know the thing that you really need until you lose it.


hello 2011 , i'm waiting for you . i'll make my 2011 better than my 2010 and more happier than i ever though . Pmr candidates and too much wishes , haha . *thanks for the wish . For who enter in my life in 2010 , i hope you'll go on with it . I'm too happy to be with the person who make me always happy . Thanks for : 

- Mama & Abah : Both of you already make me happy since i was born . Thank you so so so so so much

- Se7ens : six of you always made me happy . i'll never regret to be your friends . Me lap yuhh girls .

- Nurul Aqilah : thanks for being my friend since we met at primary sch . you always be my good listener and advisor . l0vE y0u.....*haha , 

- Alynn Ahmad : bbe , you're good cry partner . hahaha , tk pernah lagi jumpe kawan mcm you ohh . Thanks for everything atuk sayaa . saya sayang anda :D

- Nadia Firzana*bukan nama sebenar . haha : thanks for everything tayunk , haha . i'll never get a crazier friend just like you you you and you . :D

- Z : thanks for spend your 8 days to be with me , hahaha :D

- A : thanks for everything , thanks for made me laughed when i was sad . thanks for always accompany me when i need (:

- A : ohoii , thanks for your song . haha , btw thanks for spend your  12 days to be with me . haha

- wafi : thanks for be my listener when i'm need . thanks for everything (:

- nabil : ohoiii , pak pak pak cik , thanks slalu jadi kwan bercakap pot pet pot pet . hahaha . 

- ka eyka : thank you for all your advise , i'll remember that ^^ me love you <3

who's not in this list , just tell me . i have a forget disease , haha . sorry (: