It's not about who you can live with, it's about who you can't live without. And you'll never know the thing that you really need until you lose it.

all the thing i hate

hey yaww, today i'm not in mood doh. idk why --'. okay, this is the thing that i hate : 
  • I hate when they treat me as like this. I hate it so much. mmg lah aku tak suka org merajuk, but please. lama lama aku rasa mcam ' better aku tak payah ckap ' aku merajuk tadi? korg tnye kenapa kenapa. err -.- I hate it 
  • GAME, kenapa kau wujud? haihhhh -.- menyusahkan setiap perempuan. haha, asal laki main game je ignore gf. cara ckap pun dah mcam apa je 
  • Baju yg aku dah gosok mati matian, terjatuh time nak sangkut. mmg aku ambik iron, gosok balik. elehh, nnt pakai berkedut jugak -.-
  • My Science Teacher. damn, everyday nak kasi handout. naik muak aku dapat. kalau jual dekt surat khabar lama mmg laku -.-
  • Adalah seorg minah ni, dari dulu tak puas hati dgn aku. Nak langgar langgar pulak, baling tahi dekt muka kau baru tahu. 
  • Someone that think I can't go on my life without him. What the hell is it? He asked me ' how's your life without me? ' dude, since we were break my life become better better and better each second 
  • Perasaan Bosan -.-
  • Perhimpunan sambil berdiri. each of us has hip, so just sit down! 
  • Aircond dalam bilik rosak -.-
  • My thing missing 
  • My friends in bad mood
  • Algebraic Terms ( MATH ) erghh, memeningkan tgk nombor dgn unknown
  • No credit in my phone
okaaay, thats all. if anyone yg terasa, i am so sorry. like Puan Zulmazlina said, people will judge you when they have read your blog. so, it's up to you.