It's not about who you can live with, it's about who you can't live without. And you'll never know the thing that you really need until you lose it.

2 hours with Alynn Ahmad

Last night, we had called together gether. haha. It's sooooooo freaking cool! dah lama tk cakap dgn mak nenek kita ni, hihi. ye lahh, kalau ckap dgn budak ni susah nak stop sbb excited kan. anyway alynn, i hope you'll be a strong girl. mok love you kan kan kan? jaga dia elok elok, bangga tuuuu. hahahahahaha. anddd, thanks for listened my story. i really appriciate it honey :D that's all, boiiii.

And btw, Happy Birthday Eisqil Yuliana Binti Hazamuddin <3