It's not about who you can live with, it's about who you can't live without. And you'll never know the thing that you really need until you lose it.

Puppy Lovaaa :'(

tadi, time exam science i dah siap. tinggal lagi 10 minutes mcm tu lah. then, i took the book and wrote this for iman sbb kitorg tgh heartbroken
' this week is the worst ever :'( 
let the rain in my bedroom
let it flood, it doesn't mean anything
i know all the thunder come because of me
let it pouce don't see my eyes
my sight doesn't work again because i am too in broken
it is broken, can we work it out again
i don't think so, you can see it by your body language
let smile and we start the over
you said you didn't love me but why you still smile in my heart
will you satisfied if we never know each other
if we ever meet again, you will never feel the pain and i will never be in the world '

mmg best lahh wehh -____- today semua nak sedih.
  • qaqa pasal zaim
  • iman pasal aidan
  • keynaa pasal her dad
  • i'm sad because of him
  • asifa pasal bullshit *haha, sorry asifa

then, iman replied dkt buku tu:
bukan this week, malam tadi. tak tahu nak ckap apa dah wehh. crying no use.
stress nnt boleh jadi mandul :( . erm, in my heart mcm ada hundred of knives tusuk tusuk dalam hati aku doh.
* time baca ni kan, dlm hati i ' bapak lahh, smpai mandul? haha '

i replied:
kau last night, aku this week :( Arwah Wafi passed away, fighted with amey.
i hope next week will become more better
tears can't solve anything,
begging can't hold your relationship
your words are not mean anything
just back off and go on your life without him :)

iman replied:
hurm, tp aku dah biasa dgn dia. 6 months dia teman aku tidur -.-

keynaa took the book and wrote: 
i <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 my dad, forever and always. amin

then, asifa took that book: 
i want him back. semalam dia panggil aku. aku pandang belakang lpstu pandang depan balik. menyesal doe. Haha -.-

i replied: 
no need to regret the past

keynaa replied:

asifa replied: 
pfffft -____-

keynaa replied 
desperate! :D

asifa replied: 
memang pun. Jealous? -,- I don't care kay? Haha

i replied:  
Get life -____-

keynaa replied: 
cencored *tuuuutttt. haha

asifa replied: 
Digi? Haah, baru terfikir aku. haha

so, that what was happened last morning. the air is full of sadness. i hope our moment will be back around. 
Last night, when i said ' ohh it's okay. malas nak gnggu ' and you said ' okay, it's up to you ' know what? i got that words from my first bf. he said that when i asked for broke up. 
so, he really mean it. okay, fine. i understand with all what you had been through with me
i wrote in my yesterday post, you gave me all your love and all i gave you was pain right? 
it's true right bie? sorry for anything, thanks for everything.
you're not trust me anymore, so no need to go on with me. it's like you be with a poison. yeaahh, you said i never miss you. the fact is?
 i love you :'(

i was send this to amey (0521) 9 Mac 2011
amey, sorry for hurted you as long as you be with me. i tahu i byk buat you sakit hati. 
so, i think, i'm not good to make you happy. i mmg tak perfect k. 
biar lah you nak ckap i emo ke apa.
no wonder if you dpt perempuan better dari i sbb i bukan pandai sgt ambik hati you. 
jaga diri elok elok okay? 
byee, i love you

if kita still lagi kan, today dah 7 months 2 weeks and 5 days :)
time i update blog ni, i dgr lagu kitaaaaa. alang alang tu, i nyanyi sekali. i'm still remember the time i nyanyi lagu tu.
awwww :') it's all right. no wonder if the chance infront of you and you take it. good luck and boiyeee :)

p/s: for who is broken, be strong. take your spirit. nothing to be worry. everyone around you, no one left you. so, wake up. stand up with your own strength. your friends are with you, they are who you should love after your family.
your life is long. don't waste your time by waste your tears.
* i love to make a words just like this < 3